
The Fat's outta the bag now

Wednesday, January 7, Even Later
Lilly is on a rampage. The movie about Mia was stupid, but they actually did a pretty good job with Lilly's character. "She" was whiny, bitchy, annoying, and totally insensitive to "Mia". So far so good right? Well, Lilly doesn't think so. Naturally. She is determined to write a letter of complaint to the production company.

I just hope Mia doesn't see it. What am I saying? Of course she'll see it. Because everyone in her life, except I, will have watched it and will mention it to her. I watched about the first half-hour and then returned to my Linux. Speaking of which, my new screenname is LinuxRulz. But about the movie, what I saw of it was really awful. Mia's dad wasn't even alive. The guy who played me worked in an auto body shop. I mean, where the hell did they get that from? Anyway, that's Hollywood for you. Don't bother checking facts or anything. Just make up random shit that has no basis in anything real and doesn't make any sense whatsoever. It'll probably be nominated for an Emmy.

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