
What I like about you, baby

Thursday, January 1
Well, it's a new year. I'm still missing Mia. At least I got an email from her though. She replied to my last and it was sent in the morning. She said she would rather be in Boca with me listening to Ricky Martin than where she is, especially today when she has only a tour of the Royal Genovian General Hospital to look forward to. She said people, especially "Grandmere," are still giving her a hard time about the parking meter thing. Her dad likes the idea for the parking meters, but not her mode of introducing the subject. She kind of strayed a bit from the speech that had been prepared for her "formal introduction" to the Genovian populace. Hey, I think it rocks that she isn't just going to recite what others give her to say. She thinks for herself. That's one of the (well, many) things I love about her.

Things MM loves about MT

  1. Her height
  2. Her laugh
  3. Her lips
  4. Her talkativeness
  5. The always writing in her diary thing
  6. The love she harbors for her cat, Fat Louie
  7. Just the fact that her cat is called Fat Louie
  8. Her screen name being Ftlouie
  9. Her passionate advocacy of the Greenpeace movement
  10. When she stands up to my annoying sister (that was so cool when she told Lilly to shut up!!!! Hell yeah!!!!)
  11. The fire alarm thing (yeah, I'm like 99% sure that was her!)
  12. Her Lana Weinberger impression. It's spot on! "Spot on"? Geez. Why am I using the expression of one of the Queen's subjects?
  13. The vegetarian thing (I could never do that, so I have to admire her for it.)
  14. Her Lana-phone-crushing Doc Martins (damn, she rocks! I mean, Mia, not Lana. Lana sucks.... yeah, sucks Josh's face. Anyone who can suck Josh's face, and be mean to the sweetest girl on Earth, so doesn't rock.)
  15. The way she turns red and gets all embarrassed when she lifts her beautiful eyes to mine.
  16. Oh yeah, her eyes too. I had no idea the color grey could be so....... exciting! Enticing! Radiant!
  17. That pipe dream she entertains about turning the Genovian castle into an animal shelter! Admirable and sweet, like her, but whatever! DREAM ON!!!!
  18. That she threw an eggplant out of Lilly's bedroom window. OK, actually, I didn't like that too much. I mean, she could have hurt someone and gotten into trouble, but I blame Lilly for daring her to do it more than I blame my girl for caving to the peer pressure. And it WAS really nice to slip my arm around her waist and pull her down below the window. 
  19. The way she smells. Like soap. And I guess vanilla scented lotion.  
  20. Her appreciation of Buffy the Vampire Slayer
  21. "     "                   "   Baywatch
  22. "     "                   "   Lifetime Movie Channel (if it was anyone else, it would be slightly nauseating)
  23. Her obsession with Beauty and the Beast (corny, but forgivable, in her case) 

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