
I'm so CracKing Without My Mia

Friday, January 2
I can't believe it's only 13 days since I last saw Mia. It feels like an eternity. I'm so bummed out. Mostly because I miss Mia so badly it hurts. Everywhere. I NEED MY MIA!!!! But there is also this thing with my Crackhead endorsements. A few of them have emailed me threatening to pull the plug on their funding. They are upset about the latest issue's scathing analysis on the piece of crap that is Microsoft Windows. It's pitiful really. They are just terrified of falling out of the graces of King Bill. Felix told me flat out that he thinks I went too far in the things I wrote about Windows. Even the Gershner called me an ass. She actually likes Windows. I don't know why and don't care. But if enough of my sponsors yank my funding, I'm going to have to shut down Crackhead. The thought is depressing. I've been doing this webzine for over five years. It's practically my life. Or it was my life. Before that magical night when Mia became my girlfriend. The night of the Non-Denominational Winter Dance. Actually, Mia started becoming my reason for breathing before that night. I guess it was really the night of the Cultural Diversity Dance that changed my focus from being the socially isolated founder and editor-in-chief of Crackhead to being the all-consuming lover of All Things Mia. Well, it was before even the Cultural Diversity Dance. But the Cultural Diversity Dance kind of clarified things. That was when I stopped trying to deny my feelings. I finally went, to myself, "You love her, asshole. OK? Just admit it and deal."

But this thing with Crackhead is a big deal. Lifeblood or not. Maybe it's for the best. I have a girlfriend now and I'd much rather (much, much rather!!!!) spend my time with her than working on Crackhead. Why did I give it that name anyway? Simple: Because I'm a loser with a Cracked Head. Seriously, though, now that I have a girlfriend, who I think about every waking moment of the day, and who even consumes my dreams, and I'm trying to learn all these instruments, I don't even have time for the 'zine. So maybe now is a good time to just let it go. Say goodbye to childish things. I turn 18 in three days, after all.

Christ. It feels like the end of an era, doesn't it?

Why do I pose questions to my journal?

Why do I even have in a journal?

Because I need to pour my Cracked Head thoughts somewhere, I guess.

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