
It seems the movie got it right regarding Lilly

Wednesday, January 7
The made-for-TV movie about Mia's life airs tonight. My whole family is psyched to watch it, I'm ashamed to say. Lilly is a bit testy about it because it looks like the character based on her is.... actually..... very realistic! In other words, a bitch. Of course, Lilly doesn't think it's going to be a realistic portrayal at all. In fact, she suspects that the film "highly exaggerates and/or is a libelous depiction of her as a strong and self-assured modern woman."

Eye roll. Strong and self-assured? That's one way of putting it. You could also say: bitchy and arrogant. Then again, I am still pissed at her for the childish prank she pulled on my birthday, so I might not be the best judge.

No. She is a bitch and very arrogant. She confirms my opinion every time she laughs at her own joke about how the guy in the movie who portrays me is way too good looking.

Why must I be cursed with a demonic sister? What is this nonsense about being a "modern woman?" Geez. It's not even worth a comment.

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