
Left MSG for Mia

Tuesday, December 30, the condo, on the balcony
Called the Royal "Palais de Genovia" and tried to be connected to Mia. I gave the switchboard operator my name and was told that "Her Royal Highness" was unavailable. So I left a message, slightly longer than my first one. Then, I was so intimidated, I just said "Hi." But this time I managed to say: "Miss you, will try to call at bonne nuit." I meant New Years' Eve but I think I screwed it up. My French sucks. I realized almost as soon as I hung up that "bonne nuit" means "good night" so my message doesn't make any sense. "Bonne nuit" is not a time!!!! I can only hope that she understands that I meant to say I would call on New Year's Eve.

Got some hate mail in response to my expose of the Microsoft/Bill Gates feudal empire. Some of it was from advertisers. Here we go. The repercussions of criticizing His Imperial Highness Bill Gates! His minions are closing ranks! It looks like I, amateur Michael Moscovitz, am destined for battle against the giant.

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