
It wasn't her trying to call, or was it?

Sunday, December 21, late, my bedroom in Boca
Well, I called the stupid bingo numbers to the old folks and they just ate it up. They were all smiling and saying how "nice" it was to have a "nice young man" like me hosting the bingo night for a change. I'm glad they enjoyed it, because despite my perpetual fake smiles, I really did not. I just kept thinking of one word over and over, the whole time. Just one word. The most beautiful word, well name, in the English language. Can you guess? Three little letters. Three lovely little letters.




Oh yeah! And what do you suppose was happening @ the condo while we were all living it up at Bingo Nite? the phone was ringing.

Yes. The phone. Ringing.

Someone definitely tried to call the condo tonight. But whoever it was, they didn't leave a message. The Caller ID said UNKNOWN. It could have been ANYONE! It could have been MIA!!!!!!!

Geez. That is so annoying. I could have been talking to Mia instead of calling bingo numbers. I'm so depressed.

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