
The fates are working against us

Sunday, January 4
Mia called me twice today!!!!!!!!!! TWICE!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was out of the house BOTH TIMES!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY?????????????? I want to kick myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to kick my grandparents (except I won't, of course, because they are old, and I love them) for practically dragging me out of the house to see Die Another Day. First of all, before going to see the movie even came up, I depleted the toner cartridge on my new color printer because I had been printing out copies of the 'zine to mail to the VIP subscribers, and... well, it's a big publication. So I had to go to the computer store to buy a new cartridge. And that took a long time because the only car that was available was Grandpa's 1970s Volvo which has a terrifying habit of stalling in the middle of the road. I ended up having to push the car half the way home. By the time I did get home, I was devastated by Nana giving me Mia's message. The message clearly stated that she would call me again the same day! So naturally, when my grandparents declared they wanted to see the James Bond movie at the dollar cinema, I declined as politely as I could. But my grandparents wouldn't take no for an answer. Lilly was laughing at me the whole time I was protesting, but Nana was all, "Michael, you need to get out. You've been holed up in your bedroom, staring at that computer for days." I tried to explain that, as today is Sunday, Mia probably had a light load of royal engagements, and since we barely have spoken two words to each other in 15 days (yes, yes, I'm counting the days; I know I'm pathetic) I wanted to be home to receive her call. I really wanted to talk to Mia!!!!!!!!!! To think that it all might have worked out, that my grandparents and Lilly were about to leave the house without me if only my parents hadn't returned home from the tennis club at that moment! When my parents heard my excuse for not accompanying the others to see the movie, I was forced to go. Dad didn't want either of his parents to drive, especially with Lilly in the car, and Mom agreed. They always agree with each other. They have a consensus on everything from their views on Carl Jung to the proper way to make rugelach. So off I went to drive my grandparents and my weird sister to see the stupid movie. Normally, I get into the Bond movies. You know, the music, the chases, the hot Bond girls, and best of all, "The name is Bond. James Bond." But I swear, there were moments as I sat in the theatre when I thought I might just burst into tears. I couldn't stop thinking about Mia, how much I miss her and long to hear her voice. When Dad told me she had called while we were out, I thought that was it, that I would start balling right then and there. Alas, I stayed in control of my emotions long enough to reach the privacy of my bedroom.

Then I put my fist through the wall.

No. Not really.

But I wanted to.

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