
She loves me and I wish I could sleep!

Sunday, December 21, evening (Boca Raton, Florida; grandparents' condo, my bedroom)

It has now been one full day since I last saw Mia. Can I just say that it thoroughly sucks when you have never had a girlfriend (well, unless you count Judith Gershner, which I don't) and then suddenly you get the girlfriend of your dreams (your BEST dreams) and what happens? You are ripped away from that girlfriend almost right away and forced to go on winter vacation at your grandparents' beach condo in Florida, while said girlfriend jets off to spend the Christmas holidays on the French/Italian Riviera and be introduced to the public over whom she will someday rule!!!! OK, I know I'm not making any sense. You're just going to have to cut me some slack. The thing is, I haven't slept since that heavenly night when I told Mia that I love her as she loves me. She freaking loves me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Holy crap!!!!!!!!! Oh my god, Mia loves me. Whoa. My head is spinning. Actually, that could have something to do with the fact that I haven't slept. Or that Mia loves me. 

She loves me. 

She loves me. 

My Mia loves me. 

She is a really excellent kisser. Which is surprising because I'm pretty sure she was a French-kissing virgin. Unless she French kissed Josh Richter. Ugh. Josh Richter sucks. Wait, he did kiss her. He is unworthy of her. Beautiful, sweet, perfect Mia. But he did kiss her. It was all over the newspapers in the days after the Cultural Diversity Dance. 

Oh and Kenny. Yeah. Kenny Showalter. Punk. He kissed her too. I think. I don't actually know if he kissed her. I only saw him try to kiss her and her sort of turning her cheek. Ha! Serves him right for trying to kiss those luscious royal lips, and in front of people too! If there is one thing that annoys me, it's PDA. What did Mia see in Kenny? Geez. What did she see in Richter? What does she see in me?

Why am I writing about Josh Richter and Kenny Showalter in my journal? Who cares about those idiots? I surely don't!

Why do I even keep a journal? Oh yeah. This is supposed to be a daily chronicle of my work on Crackhead. I'm supposed to be working on an expose of how Bill Gates lords over the entire software industry like a feudal king, monopolizing all the resources with his Microsoft Windows empire. 

I wonder what Mia is doing right now. What time is it in Genovia anyway? 

OK. Google informs me that Genovia time is the same as Paris (GMT+1) and they are six hours ahead of EST. So it's like ten over there. Is she dancing at some gala, with a prince or a diplomat, or the president of Nigeria? Or has she retired to the royal bedchamber? 

All right. It's official. I've lost my mind. I need sleep. But I can't sleep yet. My mom is calling for me to get out there and join them at my grandparents' community center. It's bingo night and I stupidly got suckered into committing to call the numbers "at least for one round". Who goes to Boca Raton to play bingo? Who???? Hell, who goes to Boca Raton to call bingo numbers to his grandparents and their friends? I wish I was in the Royal Genovian Bedchamber..... with Mia. Haha. Like that's going to happen! In your dreams, Moscovitz!

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