
A Very New Year Ahead

Wednesday, December 31
I've never been big on the whole New Year's thing. I mean, it's just a marker for the new calendar year. But I have to admit that this year I am kind of excited about it because this year I have a girlfriend. A real girlfriend. And not just any girlfriend. MIA!!!!!!! My Mia!!!!!! Need I say more?

And yeah it sucks that I can't kiss her at midnight. But I can think about her. I can dream about her. The best part is that I don't have to feel perverted or weird anymore for doing just that. Because, as far as I know, it's perfectly acceptable for a guy to dream about his girlfriend. Even if said girlfriend is his annoying sister's best friend. Even if he's a senior and she's a freshmen. And he is going off to college next fall.

Which is another great thing about the new year. I got accepted to my first-choice school, Columbia, Early Decision. Bye bye, Albert Einstein High School. Good riddance. There is nothing about AEHS that I will miss. Except Mia.

Shit. Judith Gershner just IMed me, wishing me a Happy New Year. She's a perfect example of what I WON'T miss about AEHS. Unfortunately, I won't be so lucky to get away from the Gershner. She got accepted to Columbia, Early Decision too. That blows. I mean, really blows. Because even though she's dating some dude from Trinity, she is always flirting with me, and ever since we fooled around that one time in the computer lab (on the Saturday before the winter carnival, because we were alone putting the finishing touches on the computer program for said carnival) she seems to think it's OK to wink and rub against me suggestively. God, I hope she never does that shit in front of Mia. Seriously, even the Gershner can't be that clueless, to flirt with me in front of my girlfriend. She is now IMing question marks and going, "WTF Moscovitz? You there or what?" So I guess I have to chat with her. I am grateful that I'm not a virgin anymore, because what guy wants to go off to college as a virgin, but I wish my first time hadn't been with the Gershner. Why couldn't it have been with Mia? I'll tell you why: Because Mia was dating Kenny (damn Showalter) and it was just before I found out it was Mia sending me those cute cards. Mia, what are doing right now? Thinking of me? Sleeping? The Sleeping Beauty. Hope she's dreaming about me. And that I look good in those dreams.