
Free me of Willy, please!

Saturday, January 10, later
I figured that with everything Mia is doing in Genovia -- cutting ribbons and visiting hospitals and stuff -- there must be some news relating to her, so I did a google news search. There was a story about her that was by now a couple of days old. It caught my eye because of Prince William and the insinuation that he and Mia were some kind of "dream couple." I thought, Geez, I'm only three years older than Mia, but William is like in grad school, or the army, or something. I think. Who cares?  Anyway, the article said that he's flying to Genovia in the coming week to play for Prince Phillipe's polo team. Prince Phillipe is Mia's dad. William is also going to attend some "farewell ball" that is being held in Mia's honor at the end of her trip. So this is just great. My new girlfriend is ripped out of my time zone and now I have to worry about some prince stealing her away from me. How in the world am I supposed to compete with Prince Charming? The son of the "Queen of Hearts/People's Princess." When Lilly was younger, she had a picture of him on her wall, sitting in a row boat and looking forlornly at the camera. I'll never forget the caption because I made it into the butt of many jokes: "Dreamboat Willy."

Good lord. Dreamboat Willy is my competition. To think I was lately jealous of Kenny Showalter.

What if Mia takes one look at the Prince and thinks, "Why am I wasting time with that geek Moscovitz when I could be with the dashing Dreamboat Willy?"

Wait. She can't marry that dorkus Prince Willy because she is Catholic and he can't marry Catholics on account of that weird law the British are always saying they want to repeal but for some reason never get around to it. But who is to say that they wouldn't repeal it at last for Mia's sake, because what country wouldn't want Mia as a Queen?!

All right, Mike, get a grip. Mia would never go for a pretty boy like Prince William. Her friend Tina Hakim Baba might drool over His Dreamboatness, but Mia has more discernment than Tina. Mia doesn't care about a person's royal status. She completely disparages her own royal status, thinking that it is freaky to be a princess, so why would she admire it in someone else?

Besides, Mia told me that she loves me. Mia isn't the kind of girl to tell a guy she loves him unless she means it from the bottom of big heart. Stop reading so much into shit and go write some songs.

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