

Thursday, December 25, bedroom 
Today was the eighth and final day of Hanukkah. It was Christmas Day for Mia and her family. She called and I was home to receive that call for a change!!!! Unfortunately, my grandparents, parents, and sister were all in the room trying to pretend as though they were not listening to me!!!! I think Mia was similarly circumstanced. I could hear her grandmother laughing in the background, asking a servant (I guess) to refill her Sidecar. Mia said her dad was in the room as well, and also some cousin, Prince/princess? Somebody. Rene? Whatever. Mia said she didn't get anything good for xmas, just a datebook from the Dowager Princess Clarisse and a scepter from the Genovian people. She wanted a cell phone. I wanted a cell phone for her. So she could call me anytime. But there was no cell phone. I hoped her mom, at least, would come through with the phone. I mean, Mia's mom is totally modern and liberal. I think she (Mia's mom) even campaigned for Howard Dean. Anyway, it was so great to hear Mia's voice again. It was depressing to say good night and return the phone on its cradle. Lilly kept looking at me after I rejoined the family. At one point, she asked, "How is Mia?" I was like, "She's great," and Lilly interpreted this as an invitation to probe for details: Like what kind of presents had she received, and what was it like to be waited on hand and foot in the ancient royal palace of a small European principality? I just said I wouldn't know and neither would Mia because, contrary to popular belief, Mia is working her butt off in Genovia!

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