
Home sweet home

Saturday, January 17: NYC, Fifth Avenue, 16th Floor, my room (with all my stuff, incl. Andromeda on the ceiling) 
It's great to be home. Michael Moscovitz in any other town is a fish out of water. It's just not natural. Boca is nice, but it's great to have Pavlov licking my face again. There's only one thing missing: Girlfriend. Michael Moscovitz without girlfriend is.... OK, so I've spent my whole life not having a girlfriend. That doesn't mean that now that I have a girlfriend, I can be expected to feel a sense of well being without her in my arms. If anything, since Mia has been my girl (damn, that has a nice ring to it) the world is a brighter, lovelier, cheerier place, you know? But with Mia still in Genovia, and me twiddling my thumbs (not literally) in my room in a whole other time zone, there is a fog in paradise.

Mia was beautiful today. I saw some pictures via Google News. All I can say is, thank you, AP. Thank you, Reuters. Her hair was a little windswept. She wore this brightly colored sun dress and was beaming, but there was a look in her eyes (a look I know well) that spelled restlessness. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but I got the strong sense that she is ready to come home. OK, maybe that's just me wanting badly for her to come home! She handed Prince William the Sovereign Cup and looked really embarrassed, and he was all sweaty and red in the face and grinning. I wanted to draw horns on his head. STOP LOOKING AT MY GIRL LIKE THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There was the "farewell gala" or ball, whatever, for Mia at the Palace. There was another picture of her and Prince William, this time shaking hands he walked by the receiving line. How much more of this can I be expected to take? There was a picture of her dancing with her cousin, that Italian prince who is considered to be some kind of "international playboy." Lots of pictures of her dad and grandmother too.

Oh my mia, 
she dances at the ball.
Is she thinking of me?
Oh why won't she call?

How will I get through Sunday and Monday?

Get a grip, Moscovitz. She's been my girlfriend for what, almost 30 days, and already I'm cracKing up. Maybe I'm not cut out for this girlfriend stuff after all. If it's like this all the time.... It won't be. It can't be. Once I see her Tuesday morning, all this gloom I'm feeling right now will be a distant memory. Not even. I won't even remember this! I'll be too busy kissing her neck!


Oh geez. I'm typing like a girl now. What is it about Mia that makes act like a giddy little girl?

Things to do tomorrow:

  1. Finish unpacking
  2. Buy a frame for my picture of Mia from the Non-Denominational Winter Dance
  3. Buy more food for Pavlov
  4. Stop obsessing about those images of Mia and Prince William. It's not even legal for him to date her; well it's the same for me, right? That law sux.
  5. Ask Lilly (indirectly) about the Jane Eyre thing. 
  6. Decide on a name for the band. 

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